Thursday, November 12, 2009

Middle School Retreat

Back in the middle of October, the middle school confirmation students of Christ the King Luthearn Church spent 2 nights and 2 days studying the stories of Jacob and his sons, worshiping together, playing games, climbing, and doing some AWESOME service projects.
They put together school kits for Lutheran World Relief using the supplies CtK's Vacation Bible School and members donated throughout August and September.
The last day of the retreat we headed to the Gallatin Valley Food Bank and helped out by marking donated cans for the shelves and making thank you cards for the food bank to send to their donors. Nice work, everyone!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Daily Devotions Online

The ELCA Youth Ministry Network just sent a great link to a daily devotion written for youth and young adults (and everyone, really). They use multimedia to tell the story of God's grace. Enjoy!!